Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Worm Box Arrives!

I found out about Lane County's fabulous worm box offer at www.lanecount.org/Compost

The Nature's Footprint Worm Box is a less-expensive variation of their enormously popular best-selling Worm Factory® composter, making it more affordable for individuals and small families. It is gray, not green as the commercial version is. It's compact size is perfect for garage, kitchen or outside use. I have 3 chickens at home, and a family of three, so most of the good stuff goes to the chickens. I assume egg shells, banana peels, and beans, salsa, and other items the chickens don't eat will end up in my worm bin. The bin comes with shredded paper, coir brick, a booklet with instructions and the lid has quick tips. 

To sign up for your worm bin visit: http://www.createcompost.com/

To see one of these in action, visit the Eugene Backyard Farmer on 5th and Washington in Eugene, OR.
I recommend selecting the purchase option without worms and using local options to aquire worms.

Local Worm Suppliers: Call to confirm availability and price

Big Boy Worm Farm
Eugene, 541-954-7144, www.bigboyworms.com, 3lb min.

EPM Inc. Bruce Elliot
Cottage Grove, 541-767-2747

Eugene Backyard Farmer Bill Bezuk
541-485-FARM (3276), www.eugenebackyardfarmer.com

Dan "the worm man" Jaggers
Eugene, 541-434-9331

Bud Jones
Eugene, 541- 343-6422

Debra Longstreth
Veneta, 541-935-5140, cell: 541-729-3803

Skinner City Farm (not for profit)
Eugene, 541-344-8322

Three Trees Farm Chris Boissevain
Cottage Grove, 541-942-9033, www.redwiggler.com

Other options include:
Red wiggler or composting worms naturally colonize debris piles in most gardens. Check the bottom of a winter compost pile, decaying leaf piles or animal manure piles (such as horse manure,alpaca or chicken). Ask a friend to let you scavenge their compost pile. It doesn’t take many red wigglers to get a worm bin going! They will multiply rapidly in ideal conditions! Do NOT use nightcrawlers—they do not survive in a worm bin.

More details about the worm box: http://naturesfootprintinc.com/municipal-worm-bins