Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Worm Box Arrives!

I found out about Lane County's fabulous worm box offer at www.lanecount.org/Compost

The Nature's Footprint Worm Box is a less-expensive variation of their enormously popular best-selling Worm Factory® composter, making it more affordable for individuals and small families. It is gray, not green as the commercial version is. It's compact size is perfect for garage, kitchen or outside use. I have 3 chickens at home, and a family of three, so most of the good stuff goes to the chickens. I assume egg shells, banana peels, and beans, salsa, and other items the chickens don't eat will end up in my worm bin. The bin comes with shredded paper, coir brick, a booklet with instructions and the lid has quick tips. 

To sign up for your worm bin visit: http://www.createcompost.com/

To see one of these in action, visit the Eugene Backyard Farmer on 5th and Washington in Eugene, OR.
I recommend selecting the purchase option without worms and using local options to aquire worms.

Local Worm Suppliers: Call to confirm availability and price

Big Boy Worm Farm
Eugene, 541-954-7144, www.bigboyworms.com, 3lb min.

EPM Inc. Bruce Elliot
Cottage Grove, 541-767-2747

Eugene Backyard Farmer Bill Bezuk
541-485-FARM (3276), www.eugenebackyardfarmer.com

Dan "the worm man" Jaggers
Eugene, 541-434-9331

Bud Jones
Eugene, 541- 343-6422

Debra Longstreth
Veneta, 541-935-5140, cell: 541-729-3803

Skinner City Farm (not for profit)
Eugene, 541-344-8322

Three Trees Farm Chris Boissevain
Cottage Grove, 541-942-9033, www.redwiggler.com

Other options include:
Red wiggler or composting worms naturally colonize debris piles in most gardens. Check the bottom of a winter compost pile, decaying leaf piles or animal manure piles (such as horse manure,alpaca or chicken). Ask a friend to let you scavenge their compost pile. It doesn’t take many red wigglers to get a worm bin going! They will multiply rapidly in ideal conditions! Do NOT use nightcrawlers—they do not survive in a worm bin.

More details about the worm box: http://naturesfootprintinc.com/municipal-worm-bins


Thea said...

Hey Mikayle! So excited to follow along on your adventure. Maybe I will join you... the link in your post to the Lane County site you learned about the worm composting at doesn't work. Can you point me in the right direction.

Mikayle said...
