Monday, June 13, 2011

Worm Box Set-up

I finally had time to open up the box, read the instructions and assemble the worm bin about two weeks after I received it. 
The box was securely fastened with giant copper plated staples, Here’s what was inside the box, first the lid, then directly under was the collection tray, a paper bag containing the nuts, bolts, and drain pipe. And, a paper bag with shredded newspaper and a brick of dirt. All the Trays were nested in the bottom of the box. 
I followed the instructions of putting it together pretty well from the instruction booklet. At first I wasn't sure where that handle went until I saw the hole in the lid (where it says "The Worm Box".

Adding the screws was interesting since there wasn't an obvious place to attach them, but it did say "place them in opposite corners a few squares from the edge. Twist bolts by hand through aligned grids. Attach nuts until secure". It did fit amazingly well!

adding the bolts

adding the nuts on the underside 

Adding the "drain pipe" which I like to call the spigot. The handle went on nicely too.

making sure the spigot didn't leak from the collection tray
 I found a place out of the sun and under the eaves to place the box, to make it easier to use, I set it up on top of an old square wooden planter box next to the chicken coop.

getting ready to mix the "coir brick" with water until it felt like wet coffee grounds


Adding the cardboard bottom layer as Bill from the Eugene Backyard farmer suggested. This cardboard was the original nesting box for my chickens so it is way dirty and broken down from laying in the coop all winter in the weather. I soaked it good before placing it in.

the layer of the choir

Adding the worms I purchased from Bill at the Eugene Backyard Farmer

detail of my new pets

Adding in a "handfull" of scraps to get them started, pinto beans, a bad black banana and some egg shells

It said to add them in one corner, so I picked the front corner

adding the shredded paper layer

topping it off with more wet cardboard (even though it suggests a  layer of moist  folded whole newspaper)

The lid is on. I'll be back to check on it in three days to see they are eating the food waste.

Here's why to compost with worms

Worms from the Eugene Backyard Farmer

Bill's Worm Box at the backyard farmer

description of his worm box.

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